Academic Grievances

Procedure for Filing an Academic Grievance

A student grievance procedure exists to serve all enrolled students at UNC Asheville in the event that they judge they have been improperly or unfairly treated in academic matters. Written notice of the grievance must be filed with the Faculty Conciliator, who will attempt to resolve the grievance informally to the satisfaction of all parties. When such informal conciliation proves impossible, students have the right to present their grievance to a closed hearing of the Academic Appeals Board. If a grievance is unfounded the Academic Appeals Board shall provide written notification of that fact to the student, the faculty member, and the departmental Chair. If a grievance is deemed valid, the Board shall forward a written account of its deliberations, including its recommendations for redress, to the student, the faculty member, the department Chair, and the Provost.

Visit the University Catalog for a more complete description of the procedure for filing an academic grievance. For more information, contact the current Faculty Conciliator.